What is Flipgrid?
Flipgrid is a web-based digital tool to help students connect in virtual classrooms and engage with content more deeply. It can also be used in face-to-face classrooms to increase collaboration. Students can record videos of their work, presentations, or projects to share with their peers. They are then able to post a video response in Flipgrid under originally posted videos.
Flipgrid can also be integrated into existing online school management systems such as Schoology, Canvas, or Google Classroom to supplement blending learning practices in school districts across the country. Teachers can post assignments using Flipgrid and ensure that all students have the opportunities to engage with content and their peers. This is especially helpful for those students who may be introverts and struggle with presentations or interacting with peers.
Fresh Ideas for Using Flipgrid
Flipgrid can be used for to present student projects, daily assignments, or research studies by posting videos of their presentations for peers to respond to.
Classroom Discussions
Flipgrid can also be used to host classroom discussions about historical and current events and to address students’ social-emotional needs. This approach can help educators and students better manage conversations with students regarding cultural sensitivity. However, it’s important also to ensure all instructional content is aligned to state standards and the school district’s curriculum to prevent unwanted controversy.
Formative Assessments
Flipgrid can also be used for formative assessments. The data allows teachers to gauge their students’ level of understanding of learning standards. Formative assessment data from Flipgrid can be used to determine the timeframes for reteaching and reassessments. The data can also be used to adjust instruction for students.
Integrating self and peer assessments with Flipgrid in content areas allows students to provide each other or themselves with feedback that promotes student ownership of learning. Students can then use the data to set goals to work towards their overall academic achievement, and teachers can formulate small group instruction sessions and host parent conferences to meet the needs of their students better.
Enhancing Instructional Delivery
Bartlett (2018) acknowledged that Flipgrid increases students’ connectedness in virtual classes by helping students feel more comfortable when engaging with peers in an online setting. Flipgrid can also increase accountable talk amongst students and allow teachers to collect observational data to inform instruction better. Content from Flipgrid can be used to design lessons that enhance students’ learning and expand their depth of knowledge of concepts. The use of Flipgrid can also enhance the language development of English language learners (ELLs). The more opportunities students have to speak and converse with peers, the better chances they have of performing well on district and state assessments regarding speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
At-risk and special education students would also benefit from using Flipgrid to help them articulate their thoughts and ideas, especially if they struggle with writing or have deficits in reading and responding to grade-level content. The use of technology as an accommodation would greatly benefit students needing scaffolded support from their teachers.
Flipgrid affords educators the ability to differentiate instruction for all students. Using the tool in small group instruction, learning stations, and working independently would be beneficial to students at various levels. Also, allowing students to work at their own pace would foster a sense of ownership and pride upon completing tasks.
Boosting Student Achievement
Flipgrid allows for student achievement to be enriched when students have the opportunity to learn in ways that deeply engage them during instruction (Alaniz & Wilson, 2019). Also, students’ communication and interpersonal skills improve when using interactive tools such as Flipgrid (Lee, 2020). Language skills are further developed, and students are more likely to feel comfortable with public speaking skills. Flipgrid may also boost students’ self-confidence and self-esteem regarding their academic content. Having self-efficacy and belief in one’s learning abilities directly impacts overall academic performance.
Maximizing Technology-Use
Most districts are already equipped with digital devices to support learning for primary and secondary students, but Flipgrid can be used to further inform students how to be good digital citizens.
Tablets, laptops, and desktops computers are useful tools when it comes to using an online platform like this. Some districts also have a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policy. It is very important for school districts to share the technology specifications with parents before purchasing devices for their child at the beginning of the school year if this is the case.
Acceptable-use policies will need to be reviewed with students in advance before using Flipgrid. Establishing social and proper norms for posting videos will help teachers avoid possible bullying, peer conflict, etc. and be used to help teach kindness and empathy. Educators must ensure students are well informed of the appropriate use of Flipgrid and monitor submissions for age-appropriate content.
Educators have embraced the power of technology and continue to better prepare students for global competition using digital tools. Flipgrid is one of those tools that can foster deeper social connections, better understand grade level content, and challenge students to perform at higher levels. Looking ahead, one can’t help but wonder how technology will evolve into the 22nd century.